Any person competing for awards at any GSB championship shoot must be a current member of the Granite State Bowhunters in good standing. Annual Membership for 2025 remain at $10 for an individual and $15 for a family membership. Shoot fees are $15 for members, $18 for non-members and anyone under the age of 18 free!
Each shoot shall consist of no less than thirty (30) targets. An archery tournament shooter's score will be considered valid as long as at least one target has been shot and scored according to the rules herein. All 3-D animals shall be identifiable from the stake and the kill obtainable, regardless of the equipment used.
Only hunting / target arrows equipped with manufacturer-approved points and/or inserts that do not exceed the arrow diameter are acceptable. No blunts or broad heads shall be used by anyone.
All classes must shoot an arrow weighing at least 5 grains per pound of peak bow weight.
Further note: Check the manufacturer's recommendation concerning arrow weight per pound of bow weight. It is recommended that you do not shoot an arrow weighing less than the minimum recommendation for your bow.
A maximum of 80-pound peak bow weight in all Male classes except Traditional, which is 90 pounds. A maximum of 60-pound peak bow weight in all Female and Youth classes. A maximum of 40-pound peak bow weight in Cub class.
There are no length limits for all classes except for (the MHC/FHC) class. Stabilizers may only extend 12" from the face of the bow in the MHC/FHC class.
Legal in all classes except Traditional Wood (trlw) and Traditional Unlimited (trlo) classes.
There is no limit to the number of pins on a sight or a sight's length. A sight in any fixed pin class, whether the sight can be moved without the use of a tool, will not be moved while on the range during a tournament.
All clubs must post that day's shoot rules and the GSB standing rules. (Award divisions, registration times, and cut-off times, if any).
Shall be monitored by all members and reported to the host club range officials for disciplinary action. Please conduct yourself in a sportsmanlike manner.
The following shall be grounds for automatic disqualification of any shooter or the removal of any person from the shooting course:
In order to decide a tied score, a shoot-off will be held using a 3-D animal target set at an unknown yardage with an X placed in the center of the highest scoring area. The arrow closest to the center of the X will determine the winner. If only one shooter is present at the shoot-off, he/she will be declared the winner.
To score, an arrow must be stuck in the target. Witnessed walk-throughs are to be scored as agreed on by the majority of the group or re-shot before shooters advance to the target. If a pass-through is revealed upon approach to the target by the shooting party, it will be scored zero points. (One arrow per shooter.)
Scoring shall be as follows:
Score all legal 11-ring hits in the 10-point scoring area of the scorecard if a target happens to have one. All ties that cannot be settled in this manner will then be subject to a "shoot-off" method.
Any arrow shot accidentally or deliberately, if not in the scoring area of the target, will be scored as 0 pts. Any arrow that is dropped and can be recovered while touching the stake may be re-knocked and re-shot.
Any arrow that "Robin Hoods" another arrow will receive the points of the original arrow as long as that arrow is stuck in and remains in the original arrow.
The use of range finders on the course is allowed within the Rangefinder (RFR) Class. Shooters that do not shoot from the Orange stake must donate their score. There is a strict rule regarding the open discussion of yardage that will result in disqualification and/or removal if violated.
Any equipment that falls outside our existing guidelines will be put in the open class until such time that the GSB Board of Directors makes a ruling as to which class it should be placed in.
Each shooting group shall consist of three (3) to six (6) shooters. Groups including children will include at least 2 shooting adults. If enough shooters cannot be found in a reasonable amount of time, then the club may, at their discretion, allow a smaller group of no less than 2 shooting adults. The club official must sign the two shooter's cards. (Please allow faster groups to shoot through. Good Sportsmanship and courtesy are appreciated.)
If the arrow leaves the bow for any reason, it shall constitute the shot unless it can be retrieved by the shooter with a portion of his/her body on the shooting stake, at which time the arrow may be re-knocked and shot again.
A portion of the shooter's body shall be touching the shooting stake. The shooter's body may be behind, to either side or in front of the shooting stake.
The first shooter in each group has one minute from the time the target is safe and clear to move to the stake and release his/her arrow. Once the first shooter has released his/her arrow, each subsequent shooter has one minute from the time the previous shooter's arrow has been released to complete their shot. Each group is responsible for the shooters within the group. If other shooters point out a time rule infringement to your group, then it is your responsibility to speed up and stay within the allotted time. If the other groups protest you or your group, the entire group could be disqualified. Please move off the stake as soon as you have shot. Glassing of the target from the stake after the shot is prohibited.
The top five shooters in all classes will be awarded points toward the SOY. First place will receive 5pt down to the fifth place receiving 1pt. To receive the award, all shooters must follow the rules set forth by the GSB. Shooters also must be registered Members within the year that the points are accumulated.